Saturday, December 19, 2009

And the results are in ...

Today I am 14 dpo (days past ovulation) and took my 'official' pregnancy test.

Devasted & heartbroken? Yes - more than I thought I would be. My next plans? Not sure yet - I'm not like most women - I can't just hope it happens next month. I'm a 3 strikes out, kind of deal. No more tries with Clomid - no money for surgery and no time or money to invest in more aggressive medicines. I guess after the holidays, I'm going to start hardcore dieting and try to get my cycle back naturally.

I'm leaving this one in God's hands. I'm not going to question Him or resent His decision - I'm going to continue to praise Him for the blessings I already have in my life and try my hardest to move forward and be strong.

There is one good thing that came out of this round and it was developing a remarkable friendship with an amazing girl who was in the same boat as me. I didn't have to go through the two week wait alone ---- we had each other. I thank God for her friendship and for bringing her in my life when I needed someone during this lonely journey. Congrats on your BFP sweetie!

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5 (my favorite verse)


  1. I'm so sorry about the BFN sweetie. Praying for you!

  2. I'm so sorry you got a BFN. I'm keeping you in my prayers. Sending lots of hugs your way!!

  3. Thanks girl.... :) I am still hopeful and you should be too! hugs.

